Monthly Reads: Augest 2021


Hello, almost autumn! and my fellow readers <3!

this month has me on a low productive level as I haven’t been reading much as off lastly, as well as creating artwork. being on a reading/drawing slump got me gaming and streaming more, and able to be affiliated on Twitch after been struggling with Twitch and streaming. 

I also had been helping out at my cousin’s project which took my time from reading. And instead of reading, I went on to haul spree and got the first and second volumes of the Jujutsu Kaisen Manga series and by chance, I got Posioned by Jenner Donnelly from her fairy re-telling tales collection.

Also, being spending some ‘me time’ to helps me sort and re-organize my things in life. Hopefully next month, I will be back to reading and creating more, and back on schedule.

*The bookmarks on the photo are customized bookmarks exclusively made for me by the lovely Sara at WhiteLunna!

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