Hope everyone is doing better and staying healthy amidst this pandemic <3
Since schools and universities are closed, which means students got more time on their hands to get some old reading and gaming - and that is actually what am doing this summer vacation!!
so I have got a few books to add to the TBR (to be read) list but here are the new books I’ve got:
- The Stars Never Rise (Book one of The Stars Never Rise Duology Series) by Rachel Vincent
- The Flame Never Dies (Book two of The Stars Never Rise Duology Series) by Rachel Vincent
- The Book of Ichigo Ichie by Hector Garcia Puigcerver & Francesc Miralles
- The Smoke Thieves (Book one of The Smoke Thieves Series) by Sally Green
- Bloodchild (Book three of The Godblind Trilogy) by Anna Stephens *for my mom*
and lastly, one book has to be ordered because i could not find on this whole island which is sad really.
as our friend likes to say “Hungry man, reach for the books: it is a weapon” -Bertolt Brecht
to check my current reads: Goodreads